Moments Market Changelog

Recent Site Changes

October 2021 Changes to the Beta

Below is a snapshot of the changes made to the site during October 2021.

Current Version: Moments Market Beta 2.1

[7th October 2021]

+ Add your social profiles to your moments market user profile to let other users find you, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram currently supported - More coming soon.
+ Mover rating is now more accurate and is displayed on the find movers page

No further features will be released until we are happy with the current features within Moments Market and the activity within those features.
Remember to stay logged into Moments Market longer you MUST select remember me box on login otherwise you will be logged out after being inactive.

* Changed Account confirm for users using 2FA, if 2FA is enabled you will not need to confirm your account via email

[27/10/2021] Minor Update
+ Makers we haven't forgot you when it comes to rewarding your listing ability, you can now claim your own rewards from the usual rewards page. Claiming is based on your current ACTIVE tasks.
(If you have 2 active tasks you can claim the first milestone, dropping below 2 active tasks at any given time will mean you cannot claim)
+ Added a timer to show when you can claim, please report any issues with this minor update.
+ Buttons have had a slight update to be a bit more informative in regards to requirements to unlock.

[30/10/2021] Minor Tweak
+ Added visual to Task listings page to show if you have completed the task before and only shown if you have completed it the max number of times allowed.