Moments Market Changelog

Recent Site Changes

November 2022 Changes to Moments Market

Below is a snapshot of the changes made to the site during November 2022.

Current Version: Moments Market Beta 2.3

[25/11/2022] Moments Market Account Bonus NFT's
+ Moments Market NFT Account Bonuses are now live and the Moments market NFT collection can now be purchased on Moments Market. There are currently 3 types of NFTs which affect various features on Moments Market.

Listings - Up to 10% fee reduction across all listing types, 3 Types/Rarity, 5 Colour Styles
Earnings - Up to 3% Task Earning increase at no cost to the Maker, 3 Types/Rarity, 5 Colour Styles
Premium - Premium account indefinitely whilst the NFT is held in your Moments Market Wallet MMT address, Limited Edition 1 Type, 3 Colours


All NFT's need to be held on Moments Market to have any effect, you can choose to send it off site if you wish but will not give you the bonus. In your account bonuses page in your account you can see all NFT's you have purchased and the percentage it gives as a bonus, you will be able to withdraw them beginning Jan 2023 plus resell them if you so wish. Please also remember that tasks are currently free to list, you only need to pay the Mover (Task Applicant) so no Moments market fee for the basic listing (Featured listing not included) This feature will be expanded on over the next couple of months to provide a way for you to sell your NFT's if you so wish, plus a NFT Market Place Early 2023.